Future Air Mobility

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Expertise in Future Air Mobility

Ebeni’s Future Air Mobility (FAM) team provides expert guidance and solutions across the whole drone and Advance Air Mobility (AAM) ecosystem from vision to operation.


Safety and Certification Considerations of eVTOL Aircraft

Read how safety challenges and considerations are discussed for the future certification of eVTOL.

Supporting aviation and non-aviation regulation:

Ebeni supports industry regulators to shape the aviation ecosystem and provides services which consider; management, strategic planning, policy development, guidance on standards, and supports the integration of aviation and non-aviation drone & AAM regulation.


Solutions for stakeholders for airspace integration:

Ebeni offers stakeholders effective solutions to build a safer and more secure business; we have a proven track record helping Manufacturers, Operators, Local Authorities and UTM Service Providers to safely and efficiently integrate into the aviation ecosystem.


Guiding effective solutions through complexity:

Ebeni helps customers explore complex problems in a structured way. We find effective solutions to design safe and efficient operations for drones and AAM. From feasibility and strategy to impact studies and planning, we offer deep and unique insights to move projects forward and evaluate the risks, from a technology, infrastructure, business, and human/social perspective.


Leading pathway for innovative technology:

Ebeni supports customers and coordinates with regulators in the certification process for complex VTOL and AAM systems. Our specialism includes distributed and integrated propulsion, advanced flight control systems, and includes the assessment for interpreting single failures of structures.


Lifecycle support:

Ebeni supports customers through the entire lifecycle; from concept to certification to optimising their ongoing performance through activities including assessment, assurance and certification of systems and operations.


Synergy and scaling with our partners:

With our partners, Cranfield University and Neuron Innovations, Ebeni has launched the National Drone Innovation Gateway, who aim to provide end-to-end support to the drone ecosystem in the UK, and beyond. This partnership, complemented with our strong relationships with Regulators and wider industry, uniquely places Ebeni in a position to support customers across the whole drone and AAM ecosystem from vision to operation and beyond.


Our capabilities

Ebeni’s high-calibre FAM team utilises its broad aviation capabilities such as operational and engineering safety, cybersecurity, regulatory expertise, assurance, safety management, software assurance, aerospace, design and certification and airworthiness to support customers involved in drone and AAM development through the entire lifecycle.

Ebeni’s FAM Capability Areas

Using existing capabilities within FAM / ATM and wider Ebeni

Safety & Security
  • Holistic (operational and technical) Safety Case & assessments
  • Design and implementation of SMS
  • Safety training
  • Safety Audit and assurance activities
  • Human Factors and Performance
  • Safety Culture Framework
  • Cyber
  • Change Management
  • Project Management
  • Programme management
  • Feasibility and options studies
  • Emergency Response Planning
  • Business Case, Cost Benefit Analysis, Feasibility & Options
  • Measuring operational and safety performance
  • Assurance activities for safety, security, compliance
  • Independent assessments of supplier’s systems and processes
  • Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA)
  • Aviation and local authority regulatory integration
  • Policy development
  • Regulation and specification development
  • Best practice framework development
  • Independent assessments
  • Design and certification
  • Airworthiness
  • Operational Authorisation, Flight Worthiness, Pilot Competency
  • Safety Engineering inc. Software Assurance
  • Airworthiness / flight worthiness support
  • Aerospace
  • Design and Certification
  • Aircraft and systems safety training
  • Concepts of Operations (CONOPs)
  • Airspace Change Process support
  • Societal acceptance and stakeholder management
  • Safeguarding and licencing
  • Standard Operating Procedures and Manual support
  • Pilot Competency
  • Feasibility & Options
Case Studies



Revolutionising the Future with Safe Drone Integration

Future Air Mobility

NDIG Launch


National Drone Innovation Gateway

Future Air Mobility

Cranfield University Advanced Air Mobility Systems MSc.


National Drone Innovation Gateway

Future Air Mobility

Our latest FAM News
Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of AI in Safety-Critical Systems

Navigating the Challenges and Opportunities of AI in Safety-Critical Systems

Over 100 years, the civil aviation industry has advanced to become one of the safest and most reliable modes of transportation. The aviation landscape continues to evolve as new technologies, such as automation and Artificial Intelligence, enable more flexible, environmental, and cost-effective innovative solutions for operations within the existing ecosystem.

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Celebrating 20 Years with EUROCONTROL

Celebrating 20 Years with EUROCONTROL

Ebeni have been working with EUROCONTROL for the last 20 years, providing safety support to EAD, the European AIS Database, which is a critical element of the European aviation system.

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Flight worthiness, pilot competency and certification

Flight worthiness, pilot competency and certification

There is a drive amongst the UK drone industry to open more use cases and deliver increased benefits to stakeholders and the public. Often this requires that drone operations are conducted Beyond Visual Line of Sight (BVLOS) of the drone operator, are closer to people, are covering larger distance by larger equipment, and/or carrying payload.

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TRA Sandbox Announcement, Project BLUEPRINT

TRA Sandbox Announcement, Project BLUEPRINT

In collaboration with Cranfield Airport Operations Limited, Project BLUEPRINT has been selected to take part in the UK (United Kingdom) Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) Temporary Reserved Area (TRA) Regulatory Sandbox, which will allow us to work closely with the subject matter experts within the CAA to progress towards our objectives of successfully trialling integrated BVLOS (Beyond Visual Line Of Sight) drone operations within UK airspace.

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